Growing up with Von Willebrand Disease
Growing up with Von Willebrand Disease
Dyneisha, 17, Virginia
When I was diagnosed with Von Willebrand Diease I was two years old and I am now 17. I had constant nose bleeds when I was younger and many trips to the emergency room because of them. I remember when my grandma would have to call 911 and the paramedic would pick me up and carry me to the ambulance. I remember the pain I felt in my nose when they did this procedure to make it stop. My friends didn’t understand back when I was younger. They would get mad and make fun of me because I couldn’t go outside when it was hot because the extreme heat would make my nose bleed. I couldn’t do everything else my friends could do because of the fear of my nose bleeding. I wasn’t allowed to play sports or do too much to put me at risk. I felt different and I felt like an outsider. I didn’t start telling people about my bleeding disorder until a few years ago when I stopped feeling ashamed about it. I now wear a medical bracelet and I try to educate people about my bleeding disorder. I have many supportive friends and I also don’t get as many nose bleeds as I use to. I’ve accepted the fact that this is something I will have to live with for the rest of my life and I am no longer ashamed of it.