Hemophilia Required That I Learn To Play Differently

I learned to self-infuse pretty quickly. I took prophylaxis before games to try to prevent any injury … Changing how I played soccer however was hard for me. Honestly, it took me years to change my playstyle while at the same time still being able to play at a high level … I had to avoid contested headers and be careful about situations that I put myself in on the field. Learning how to do this in the end made me a better player.

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Von Willebrand Dating Story

I always made sure to tell the person I was dating that I have vWD so that if something were to happen, they were educated enough to help in the situation. I found that most of the guys I dated were very open to learning about it. My husband, when we first started dating, was extremely receptive to learning about it.

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My Von Willebrand Journey

I love sports, all aspects of sports, and on the first day I played sports I felt a rush that never left. Like many boys my age, I played baseball and got hit in the face a few times; a small but necessary part of the experience. With the love of sports came the realization that I will get hit, hurt and of course bleed from some injuries…

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